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Choosing the best plans at Nowse West

What can I say about our hosting plans? I believe that Nowse-west has the most sensible plans that money can buy. We Offer every feature that the larger hosting, but you get the added benefit of knowing that you will be dealing with only one person no matter if it's dealing with support, or asking a question about procedures. I think that's the key to being a successful hosting company.

All of the hosting plans that Nowse-west offers are based on your needs. You'll notice that all the plans offer the same features, they all have unlimited databases, phpMysql, unlimited email accounts, award winning cPanel Control Panel, Fantastico, and much more. The only difference between the plans is the amount of bandwidth and storage space. Remember that I'm a web developer as well, and I know that nearly all sites created for individuals and small businesses rarely need more than 50 MB of storage. That means that Nowse West's Standard Hosting Plan will be more than sufficient for the vast majority of people.

Thank you for considering Nowse-West Hosting, and if there is anything that you would like to know about Nowse West, or hosting in, I'm here to help.

Nowse West Hosting
  Standard Hosting Plan Small Business Midsize Business
Price by Month (USD) $7.99 $11.99 $19.99
Price by Year (USD) $47.88 $119.88 $167.88
Storage 500MB 1GB 10GB
Bandwidth 500MB 1.5GB 2.3GB
Uptime Guarantee 99% 99% 99%
Set Up Fee None None None
15 day Money Back Yes Yes Yes
cPanel® Yes Yes Yes
Fantastico De Luxe® Yes Yes Yes
POP3 Accounts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Auto Responders Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Email Forwarders Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Remote access WebMail Yes Yes Yes
CGI-Bin Yes Yes Yes
Virtual Domains Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
FrontPage® Yes Yes Yes
AW Stats Yes Yes Yes
Web Based File Manager Yes Yes Yes
FTP Accounts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Spam Assassin Yes Yes Yes
MySQL Databases Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Custom Error Pages Yes Yes Yes
Perl Version 5.x Yes Yes Yes
PHP Yes Yes Yes
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This listing of features focuses on the bigger items that most people need and request, but I've excluded some of the smaller items like leech protection, cron jobs, protected directories and more. If you have questions about specific features you can email me
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